Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Blog Post #4

1. "Clayton High School (student population 1,200)" This gives me an idea of about how large the school is and how meany people there are so how fast things can get around.
2. I think the main charicter in my book might like it here because it is smaller then her high school and people are more friendly then at her school. I also think that she would not have to deal with alot that she had to back where she lives because no famos people go here and it is just easyer to get along with more people here.

Monday, May 14, 2012

random blog post

What has recently happened in my book is that a girl named Cara Schosburg is going to be going to a military academy. Cara is a girl that goes to school with Jenny Greenley the main character in my book. The kids at school are mean to Cara because she is over wight they "moo" at her.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Blog post #3
1.The characters in my book relate to a T.V show i have seen where a famous person goes undercover just to try to be a normal teenager for a day. In the beginning they think no one will even find out. Well it turns out that every one does find out because one person blurted it out.I think that the author might be trying to say that even famous people want to be a regular high school kid.
2.Yes i no what there talking about but it dose not relate to my comparison

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog Post #2

1. One person i do not like from my book is Geri Lynn. She is rude and dissrespectfull to alot of people. For example she said "well, its good to know someone on staff is paying attention" because her boyfriend forgot to ask a simple question. If she found $100 on the ground she would progbubly keep it and go shoping with it.She would do this because she dosent care about others as much as she dose about her self.
This relates to my book because one of the maine caricters is luke striker. he is under cover because he is famous. his name under cover is lucas smith.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blog Post #1

        The name of my book is Teen Idol. This book is by Meg Cabot. I decided to read this book because I read a little bit about it online first and it seemed to be a good book. I have not read a book by this author before but I am ready to start. the cover of this book is bright and eye catching.